Kay2 XENOX’s unique rib design strongly bonds with concrete in a Hexagonal pattern and ensures a solid foundation and quality of any structure. As modern construction requires a higher degree of innovation and creativity, Kay2 Steel provides premium TMT Bars crucial for construction across earthquake-prone areas. The total of the internal angles of a Hexagon is 720-degree meant for superior bonding and enabling any infrastructure to tolerate a high degree of stress.

Apart from the formation of bars to precise tolerances, the critical process is the thermo-mechanical-treatment defining the final characteristics as regards molecular structure and mechanical properties. Kay2 XENOX TMT Bars are formed in very precise conditions to create the right temperature gradient that form the martensite structure on the outside and a flexible fine-grained pearlite core.

Extreme care in the selection of raw materials, an automated mill to form the rebars followed by a precisely controlled quenching and tempering process define the quality of TMT Bars. Our mastery in the latter process ensures TMT Bars with the right characteristics of about 30% hardened peripheral areas with a ductile core that makes it ideal for construction.

Kay2 XENOX TMT Bars meet the industry standards and specifications as regards fatigue strength, creep resistance, weldability, bendability, crack resistance, and tensile as well as compressive strength. Stronger and with better mechanical properties than similar bars, Kay2 XENOX TMT reduce the usage of Steel by 20% while assuring higher strength to structures for a longer period, proving to be cost-effective.